After 8 Days Confirmed Cases count came below 100 & also second time this month
Today Confirmed Cases - 90
Today Discharges - 212
Today Death - 2
Death Case No.5482: (Unknown Area)
A 70 Years old male, from Virudhunagar, with CKD / DM / SHTN admitted
on 11.08.2020 at 02.30PM in a private medical college and hospital with
Complaints of Fever, Cough and Difficulty in Breathing for 6 days died on
13.08.2020 at 11.15AM due to T2 Respiratory Failure/COVID-19
Death Case No. 5427: (Unknown Area)
A 74 years old male from Virudhunagar admitted on 30.07.2020 at 04.01
PM in Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. The patient died on
12.08.2020 at 06.00 AM due to Diabetes Mellitus / COVID Positive.
1 Case Cross notified from Virudhunagar District to other District
Total Confirmed Cases - 10938
Total Discharges - 9492
Total Active Cases - 1300
Total Death - 146