* Today Virudhunagar Crossed 12K Discharges Overall with Highest recovery rate of 95.41%
Today Confirmed Cases - 90
Today Discharges - 145
Today Death - 1
Rajapalayam - 9
Sivakasi - 8
Tiruchuli - 5
Virudhunagar - 1
Other Areas - 67
Death Case No. 7322
A 65 years old male from Virudhunagar admitted on 29.08.2020 at 03.14
AM in Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. Outcome of COVID test positive
result on 30.08.2020. The patient died on 29.08.2020 at 10.30 AM due to
Hypertension / Respiratory Failure / Acute Respiratory Distress
Total Confirmed Cases - 12712
Total Discharges - 12129
Total Active Cases - 394
Total Death - 189