Today Confirmed Cases - 33
Today Discharges - 67
Today Death - 1
1 Case Cross-Notified from other district to Virudhunagar district
Death Case No.38030
A 52 years old Male from Virudhunagar having COVID-19 RTPCR Positivity
on 14.07.2022 admitted on 13.07.2022 at 12.15PM in Virudhunagar
Medical College Hospital with complaints of fever, chest pain and difficulty
in breathing. CT Chest - Diffuse GGO noted in b/l lung fields with
peripheral sparing.. The patient died on 16.07.2022 at 10.15AM due to
COVID Positive Viral Pneumonia / Respiratory Failure .
Total Confirmed Cases - 57831
Total Discharges - 56911
Total Active Cases - 365
Total Death - 555
For Testing Update: